High School

Sunday night during the school year, 6:45-8:00pm! HSM (High School Ministry) Open Gym is 6:00pm-6:45pm designed to help teens in 9th – 12th grade experience the grace and love of God and find ways to live out their faith everyday. In other words, we’re learning to live and love like Jesus for a lifetime.

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Important Links

Monthly CYF Newsletter
Google Cal: Children, Youth & Family (subscribe to it!)
→ 9th Grade Confirmation Intensive Calendar (coming soon…)
→ 2024-2025 HSM & Confirmation Calendar (coming soon…)
Summer Stretch (Aug 6-9)

Click here for the weather and building closure policy.

Month-at-a-Glance (July)

7/7 (Sun) – NO High School Youth Group

7/11 (Thurs) – “First” Thursday, 2:30-4:30pm, Big Dipper (115 Village Center Dr)

7/14 (Sun) – NO High School Youth Group


7/28 (Sun) – High School Youth Group, 6:45-8:00pm. Join us for pizza, fun and discussion. Open Gym starts at 6:00pm.

Youth Group (a “typical” night)

  • Open Gym is 6:00pm-6:45pm if you want to show up early and play basketball!
  • High School Bible Study at 6:00pm Starts 3/17
  • Sunday, 6:45-8:00pm in the Youth Room (Enter through Door 2, take a right)
  • Bring friends! Just because you may not go to church, does not mean you are not welcome in this space!
  • Eat pizza, be active
  • Gather for check-in’s and thought-provoking Bible study
  • Have honest and faith-full conversation
  • Play games and be goofy. Be yourself!

ELCA Youth Gathering

14 youth and 4 adults are going! (So far..) We expect more to sign up! ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA (July 16-20). This incredible trip is open to all 8th thru 12th grade students at the time of registration.

  • Sunday in the Narthex, the trip participants are providing the refreshments and selling Mister Carwash packages (3 at various price-points). We’ll be offering cinnamon rolls again next week, 6/16, for suggested donation $3 each. Thanks in advance for your generous support! Bye-bye (That’s Louisiana French for “see ya later”). Online contributions can be made via Realm or by check to the office. Talk to Mike or Nate for more info.


Current Opportunities to Hang

First Thursday

Thursday, June 13, 2:30-4:00pm — We are taking off June 6 for School’s Out Bash and making the switch to Big Dipper on (June 13, July 11, August 1, and Sept 5), 2:30-4:30pm.

Congregational-Wide Service Opportunities
Click here for current Incarnation Service Opportunities.

Monthly HSM Serve Night

March Serve Night will be at the Kid’s in need Foundation packing school supplies for local classrooms. Dates TBD, Email Mike Sell (msell@incarnationmn.org) with questions.

Looking to get involved?

We are looking for adult leaders to join us Sunday nights and for other future High School events. If you are interested please  email Mike. So we can send you more details!


9-12 grade, visit the event page to register

All registrations are done through Realm, our Church Management Database. Follow the steps below to register for HSM.

Setting up your account: Everyone who is already a part of Incarnation has a unique profile that contains your information. If you have already activated your account, please skip to the instructions about accessing your account. If you are a guest of Incarnation, you will follow the link to create and activate your account. To activate or create your account go to: www.onrealm.org/IncarnationLuth/Register

Accessing your account: After you have completed the set-up process above, you are now able to access Realm by going to www.onrealm.org/IncarnationLuth.

Scholarship Information

Scholarships are available for all ministry opportunities for those who are in need. Contact the Incarnation Office at 651-484-7213 for more information.

Questions about High School Ministry? Contact Nate Bergengren.