Music Ministry

Worship is at the heart of who Incarnation is as a community of faith. Interested in being a part of it? There is a place for you.

Music Ministry

Incarnation’s Music Ministry has opportunities for people of all ages, offering great ways to use your musical gifts to help lead worship as part of an ensemble and to connect with one another within this faith community. Whether you are an advanced musician or new to music, vocalist or instrumentalist, there is a place for you to use your passions for music to glorify God. Questions about Music Ministry or want to get involved? Contact Sean Turner.

Choirs and Ensembles

Senior Choir
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7:00 – 8:30 PM in the Sanctuary.
The first rehearsal is on September 4. Do you love to sing? Then please consider joining Incarnation’s “largest small group.” The Senior Choir leads worship three out of four Sundays per month. Lift your voice, make new friends, and lift listener’s spirits while taking part in this wonderfully welcoming ensemble! Contact director Sean Turner for more information and to join.


10:30 a.m. Worship Band
The worship band leads the music portion of worship for the 10:30 a.m. worship service, including congregational singing, music for the gathering, offering and postlude portions of the worship. Players and vocalists must be of a professional caliber. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Sean Turner for more information.


Joyful Noise
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 5:30 – 6:10 PM in the Fireside Room.
The first rehearsal is on September 18. Children in Grades 1-5 who love to sing are invited to join this joyous singing ensemble. We will gather each week in a positive environment to learn the words and music to new songs as a group. Children will make new friends as they sing God’s praises together. Joyful Noise will sing worship about once a month from October to May, primarily at the 9 AM service. Contact director Kathleen Johnson or Amy Maakestad for more information and to join.

Handbell Ensembles

Alleluia Ringers
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 6:15 – 7:15 PM in the Handbell Room.
The first rehearsal is September 11. Adults are invited to join this exciting handbell ensemble. No prior handbell experience is necessary, but some background in music is very helpful. We focus on developing all handbell techniques and expanding musical expression with a repertoire that enriches the worship experience. The Alleluia Ringers play in worship at least once a month from September to May. Contact director Amy Maakestad for more information and to join.

Bells of Praise
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 5:30 – 6:10 PM in the Handbell Room.
The first rehearsal is on September 18. Youth in Grades 5 – 12 are invited to join this lively handbell ensemble. Rehearsals are spent developing both handbell and handchime technique while reading music. In addition to forming lasting friendships, important outcomes of belonging to this ensemble are learning the songs of our faith and contributing to worship. Bells of Praise will play in worship about once a month from October to May, primarily at the 9 AM service. Contact director Amy Maakestad for more information and to join.

Grace Notes
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 4:50 – 5:30 PM in the Handbell Room.
The first rehearsal is on September 18. Children in Grades 1–5 are invited to join this introductory handbell ensemble. We focus on learning basic hand chime technique, learning music notation, and playing together with others. Children will experience a positive and supportive environment during rehearsals as we learn to make music as an ensemble. Grace Notes will play in worship about once a month from October to May, primarily at the 9 AM service. Contact director Amy Maakestad at for more information and to join.

Prime Chimers
Rehearsals are on Mondays from 10:30 – 11:30 AM in the Handbell Room.
The first session will be five weeks, November 4 – December 2. Making music is fun! This group will play hand chimes, sing, and probably laugh while enjoying fellowship, devotions, and light snacks. Our primary purpose is to encounter God’s gift of music without the stress of preparing for performance. No music background is necessary, but a desire to learn through experience is a plus. Contact director Amy Maakestad at for more information and to join.


ILC Brass Ensemble
The ILC Brass Ensemble is open to brass instrumentalists from an intermediate to advanced level. This ensemble provides musical support for services at specific times throughout the year. We hold rehearsals two weeks in advance of each service date. Contact director Sean Turner for more information and to join.

Worship Teams

Being on a Worship Team is a low commitment, but important service opportunity. You can serve as a greeter, usher, or communion server. Most worship team members serve every other month. Under this model, lay Worship Team Leaders create schedules for their teams each month, based on team member availability, and communicate the schedules to the team. Currently, worship teams are comprised of greeters and ushers. Under the Worship Team model, you can serve one way one month, and another way the next month. The more people who join Worship Teams, the easier it is to spread the service opportunities evenly. Worship Teams gather prior to worship each Sunday, check in with the leader, and are a part of a pastor-led prayer before serving. Seasonal service worship teams are also formed when needed for each seasonal worship service offered at Incarnation.

Questions about Worship Teams or want to get involved? Contact Julie Durbin.