
Faith Milestones are a series of classes designed to build “Faith in the Family” starting from the time a child is an infant and continuing through their graduation from high school. It is a program that recognizes the incredible impact parents have on the faith life of their children. Milestones work to partner with parents on the faith education of their children and to help them live out the promises they made at their child’s Baptism. Through the Faith Milestones, parents learn practical, effective ways to live and share the love of Jesus in their homes and will gain valuable insight into the spiritual development of their children. In addition, each Milestone encourages parents to implement a new faith practice in their home. 

Baptism Milestone 

What happens in Baptism? What is the difference between how Lutherans view Baptism compared to other Christians? Why do we baptize infants, children, youth, or adults? What are some practical ways to live out the promises made at Baptism? This is just a sampling of questions that we consider in our Baptism Milestone class. This class is designed specifically for parents who are seeking baptism for their children, which is an expectation of first-time parents. In the class, you will learn about theology and practice of the Sacrament of Baptism, and be given hands-on tools to help you develop faith in your children. Interested? Please contact Julie Durbin at

Download NEW BAPTISM FORM  here. 

Milestones for Children & their Parents 

First Communion Milestone –

The First Communion Milestone at Incarnation is one of the ways we strive to help families honor the promises made at Baptism. The decision to participate is entirely up to each family. During this Milestone, there will be a time of learning, scavenger hunt and a kit for your child to make their First Communion stoles. We ask that one parent attend with their child.

Our next First Communion Milestone will on Sunday, November 10

  • Gather for a time of learning from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (All ages will meet at this time).

Celebrate as a Community of Faith on November 17 in worship. 

As a faith community, we will celebrate with you your child’s first communion during Maundy Thursday Worship in the evening.


Setting up your account: Everyone who is already a part of Incarnation has a unique profile that contains your information. If you have already activated your account, please skip to the instructions about accessing your account. If you are a guest of Incarnation, you will follow the link to create and activate your account.  To activate or create your account go to: 

Accessing your account: After you have completed the set-up process above, you are now able to access Realm by going to


Milestones for Middle School Students and their Parents 

Sixth Grade/Transitioning to Adolescence Milestone 

Spring 2024 

This Faith Milestone course is designed for 6th graders and their parents together to help prepare you for adolescence and Confirmation. 

Celebration of Confirmation 

In the spring of each year, we celebrate those being confirmed in a special service with their family and friends. This year our celebration will look a little different due to COVID safety recommendations. Below is the current plan to honor and celebrate those being confirmed this Fall. 

Parent Presentation of Confirmand in Worship (not applicable in Spring 2022)

Parent Presentation happens during regular Sunday worship. Parents present their child–much as they did at Baptism – and place on them their confirmation robe which symbolizes new life in Christ. Parent Presentation concludes with a special blessing by the congregation. 

Service of Confirmation

Confirmation is a ritual wrapped around the beautiful invitation from God to continue growing within this community, experiencing the broader life of the church in High School Ministry and beyond. This service is the culmination of the Confirmation experience and a time when confirmands publicly promise to continue in the relationship that God established with them in baptism. The highlight of this service is the blessing of each confirmed surrounded by their family and guests. This year, our 9th graders will be affirming their baptism during our regular 10:15 am worship service on Sunday, May 7, 2023. 

Milestones for High School Students and their Parents 

Entry into High School

Students and families face a lot of changes as individuals enter high school. Students are maturing, they are more independent, and begin to juggle a lot more responsibilities. In the Entry into High School Milestone, students and their parents will learn about managing commitments from a faith perspective and will get a preview of opportunities for high school students through Incarnation. 9th Grade parents and students should plan on attending. Register here! 

Blessing of the Graduates – Sunday, May 12, 2024

Graduating high school is a major milestone for both students and families. Incarnation will honor these students and their parents with a public blessing. This blessing is a reminder that Incarnation will always be a part of their faith journey, celebrates what they have accomplished, and lifts up the new and exciting opportunities of what’s next. We also have a small gift for you, so email Nate Bergengren (our formation leader for teens & families) and let us know which service you’ll be attending (9:00 or 10:30 am) 

At Home Milestone and Blessing  

Please take a few minutes and gather family and friends either in person or virtually to celebrate your graduating senior, talk about the exciting things to come in the future, and bless your graduate. Click here for the Blessing of Graduates Milestone. This Milestone can be done whenever it is convenient for you and your family. 

Why are we doing this? 

When your child was baptized, you promised to provide for their instruction in the Christian faith. Christian education cannot be limited to an hour on a Sunday morning. We want you to invite God into your home. Since YOU are the most important person in your child’s life, you are the best person to teach your child! Incarnation is here to support you in that role. 

Our mission is to bless the child, gift the family, and call the parents to the promise every night in every home. Rearing a healthy family is a real challenge in today’s world, and we are confident that God is using these Milestones to meet the needs of families here at Incarnation and in our community. 

Questions about Faith Milestones? Contact the Incarnation office (651-484-7213)