Walk with Jesus
Engage in Faith Practices
Engage in a meaningful walk with Jesus by exploring classic spiritual disciplines used for centuries in the Christian tradition. Spiritual disciplines are activities undertaken through our own power that open us to power beyond our own – the power of God’s Spirit. This series focuses on outward spiritual disciplines of engagement: submission, worship, celebration, service, community and study. These disciplines are the ones through which we actively engage our lives with God, one another, and the world. Our hope is that the daily immersion in the life of God through these disciplines becomes a life-giving habit.
Engage: Devotions – Individually and/or with Others
Use Engage: A Lenten Guide for Spiritual Growth for devotions on your own or with others. Engage was written by Pastor Kai Nilsen and others through the Renovare‘ Institute. This daily guide follows the weekly themes in Wednesday night worship and is available to download at: https://renovare.org/books/engage.
Engage: Small Groups
Small groups are a chance to talk about spiritual practices with others and, together as a group, figure out how to apply this practice in your life. You can try out a few new practices and hear from others about their experiences. Small groups will use a faith study based on Engage, a devotional written by Pastor Kai Nilsen and others in the Renovare‘ Institute. Find out more at: dfloe@incarnationmn.org.
Faith Study Sessions for Engage Small Groups
Engage: Worship
Listen to messages on each of the outward faith practices. Wednesday evening worship in Lent focused on one of the spiritual practices of engagement: submission (Ash Wednesday), worship (February 21), celebration (February 28), service (March 6), community (March 13) and study (March 20). Check out recordings of past worship services at: Worship at Incarnation.